The Red Pyramid by Rick Riordan Book Review!

Here's my review for The Red Pyramid, which is the first book in The Kane Chronicles by Rick Riordan. I love this series; It's just as good as Percy Jackson.
The book is about about Carter Kane and his sister Sadie who are trying to save the world from Set the Egyptian god of evil.
I love Carter so much. He's kind of like Percy Jackson, but he isn't. He doesn't seem to have a lot of confidence in himself. He also doesn't really get along with his sister Sadie. They fight quite a bit in this book (well, in every book actually). But I still really really love Carter, I totally ship Carter and Zia!
Sadie is also really awesome. She's very independent, and always speaks her mind (they often mention that she talks a lot over the series). Sadie is kind of different from a lot of fictional girls that I've read about so far.
I like Amos even though we don't see a whole lot of him in this book. And I love Brooklyn House, and Khufu the baboon, and Philip of Macedonia the crocodile.
I also really love that Rick Riordan made Anubis, the Egyptian god of death, look like a hot teenage boy.
I also love Bast. I thought she was a fun character. I really like the part when she got scared, but her face didn't show it, but since she's the cat goddess her hair stood up on end with static but she don't know it.
I love this book so much! I'm sorry this review it's short and it's, like, all about the characters but when I read a book the first thing that I notice the most is the characters, and I just want to fangirl and gush about them.
That's it for now.